I've never really been one for the black olive in the general existential hum drum, but stick 'em on a pizza, I'll drink 'em like gravy. The red grape's like that too. Eat one? Well, naturally I will (it's a while since I have) but I'd rather have a white one. At least I think that's the case, as it's a while since I had a red one; I'm not really a one for fruit, truthfully. So, yes, wine anyway - red every time, without equivocation, except with certain cheeses, though I forget which. I don't tend to be a one for eating and drinking in the same three minute period, truthfully.
What to surmise? Well, there's a process, certainly. That would explain it. And it does explain it. Black, Green; Red, White. Something happens, and I like it.
Were they fruit, I expect I could love these walls.
Good insight. Profound almost. Strong. I myself love olives in all formats, and am regularly seen eating them in large quantities.
More mysterious is perhaps olive oil, the liquid gold of many a mafia. What is used for? Absolutley nothing. I did some heavy research on the function of olive oil. Results inconclusive.
Six of those comments are not true, seven are dubious, four are solid fact.
RE: Olive Oil - Scrapings in a Roman context. "Drizzling" in a culinary-sexual context.
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