Tuesday 5 June 2007

Thicket 39


Thicket 39

GRAVY 2003

Founded by Dr Herschel Rat in 1142, Rats has for generations crafted scintillating and award-winning gravies. The Thicket gravies “tick all the boxes”, if you will, when it comes to Dr Rat’s philosophy of selecting the very best grapes from premium gravy regions. Remember – if you can still see come dawn, it isn’t really gravy. Now is it?

Toadstools are used to guarantee freshness.

Gravy Style: a three-bodied, unbalanced gravy with crab and thistle aromas, and a tubercular aftertaste.

Enjoy With: raw meat dishes and great caution.

Serve at body temperature.


videodrone said...

I wonder, and it was Thicket 39 that made me do so, I wonder whether any of the Dairy could appear on Pooka? Pictures...writings...maps...it'd be a grand undertaking and one which would please the soul of a lonely traveler such as I x x x

Jack Gander said...

That strikes me as a positively splendid idea. Perhaps as a joint project with Counter Hive. 'Tis right and proper to join everything up. There isn't a huge amount of material extant, but what there is is more than sufficient to have us both labelled Deviant eternally. That appeals somewhat as a prospect, Mungo dearest xXx