Wednesday, 20 June 2007

Jack said there's too much fiction on here and not enough..well....non-fiction

About a minute ago I was lying on my bed thinking about what to write down, with my face turned away from my cat, who had his front feet on my hip. I knew it was my cat there but suddenly he started to touch my right hand in a way that felt so much like a giant bumblebee that for a moment I was convinced and frightened like a nightmare.


Jack Gander said...

You got it frighteningly right, even down to the skewed ellipses... I was, however, as well you know offering a mere distillation of three concurring viewpoints as enounced some months previously...

Pooka Delaval thanks you for your Report From the Field... I mean, she didn't say so in as many words, but it was in her eyes.

Bic Biros & Moldova said...

I think there's a good amount of fiction and if non-fiction isn't here, it's its own fault.

Bic Biros & Moldova said...

I have no recollection of writing such an agressive previous post.
I must apologise.